Revival of Danish poster art
A Danish election poster that tells the Danish people about the bright prospects, the happiness, a new government may bring. The long arm of the state, in the shape of a female hand, donates homes to the huddled masses. They no longer have to walk the streets of Copenhagen, unable to afford lousy bed/sit apartments at 2million kroners a piece. They'll just move into the ultimate Danish dream house - red-brick luxury in a sleepy suburb.
The voters are told that "the Social Democrats will do anything to get power" so the common man's habitat problems will be solved.
Don't believe that nonsense. Houses are God-sent from Heaven. The Manicured Gucchi-hand will see to that. And we shall not allow huddled masses to go hungry to bed. We know, because we depend on them. Who else would inhabit the royal corridors of Christian's Castle.
Will you play monopoly with Helle? Or will you give Helle the monopoly of power - let the red menace infiltrate the body politic of the sweet Danish electorate?
The Dane's home is his castle - a place for monopoly or the growing of bright flowers. Danish values are giving shelter from the pellets of storm from beyond the borders. We remain committed to Danish values. It's your country - and by that we mean it's literally yours. You own it. And you own the red bricks as well - you may even eat them. That we've also seen to. And we've seen to lots of other things too.
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