Friday, December 07, 2007

Danish Poster Art

The Danes are known as a hospitable people. Some years ago the tourist authority of Copenhagen made a campaign called "Meet the Danes". Tourists got the enviable chance of being invited into quite normal homes of quite normal Danes. What an experience that must have been.... - Eating brown gravy, pork and well-boiled white potatoes. Looking at photos of holidays in the camper with aunt Alma and uncle Fred.

Now Danish hospitality is being extended to new people coming to Denmark. Look at the lady in the picture. The tourist authority of Copenhagen has been kind enough to put an ATM at her disposal, so she can draw her social security money that other althruistic Danes willingly have paid to her in taxes.

No wonder that the poster talks of "genuine welfare". Where would we be without it?

The Danes know full well that they themselves go in large crowds to foreign places. And just as they want to be well-comed, the wellcome must be extended to foreigners coming to visit Denmark. After all, it's your country - your choice.


Blogger Fuzzy said...

I crack up each time I read that sardonic comment, "What an experience that must have been.... - Eating brown gravy, pork and well-boiled white potatoes."

Hope you'll start blogging again--you're very good!

5:03 AM  

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